Managed IT Services & Support

Laptop Repair / Desktop Repair

Virus and Spyware Removal

Data Recovery and Backup Plan

Network Design

Cloud Services

Cyber Security

Website Development Software Development Icon

Web Development / Software Development

IT Support and Maintenance Icon

IT Support and Maintenance Onsite / Offsite

Data Privacy Act Data Protection Officer Icon

Data Privacy Officer / Data Privacy Act 2002 Compliance

Website Development Software Development Icon

Digital Marketing

IT Support and Maintenance Icon

Video Production / Video Advertising

Data Privacy Act Data Protection Officer Icon

Virtual Assistant and Remote Support

We Create Fully Connected Systems So You Can Focus On Your Business

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Device Repair & Troubleshooting


Essential skills

These skills involve diagnosing and fixing issues that arise with various devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.

Identifying the problem

Identifying the root cause of the problem, whether it is a hardware issue, a software glitch, or a user error. Once the issue is identified, the repair technician can take steps to fix the problem and get the device back up and running.

Fixing Devices

Fixing devices that are not functioning properly, device repair, and troubleshooting can also involve preventative measures, such as installing antivirus software or updating firmware. By taking these steps, users can minimize the risk of future issues and extend the lifespan of their devices.

Data Management, Backup, & Recovery


Data Management

Effective data management can help organizations to optimize their data resources, leading to improved decision-making, increased operational efficiency, and better customer experiences.

Back Up

Backups are essential for protecting important data and ensuring that it can be recovered in the event of a data loss event, such as a hardware failure, cyber attack, or natural disaster.


Data recovery is the process of restoring lost, damaged, or corrupted data from a backup or other source, allowing businesses and individuals to recover critical information that would otherwise be lost.

Network & Connectivity



A network is a collection of connected devices, such as computers, printers, and servers, that are able to communicate and share resources with each other.


Connectivity refers to the ability of devices to connect and communicate with each other, either through a physical connection, such as a cable, or a wireless connection, such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

Quality of Service

Quality of service (QoS) is a set of technologies and techniques that enable network administrators to prioritize and manage the flow of data traffic on a network, ensuring that critical applications and services receive the bandwidth and resources they need to operate effectively.


What People Are Saying

“Winner Computer Solutions Co. is simply amazing! Their team is knowledgeable, efficient, and incredibly helpful. They always go above and beyond to ensure that my business’s IT needs are met. I highly recommend them to anyone in need of quality computer solutions.”

“I have been using Winner Computer Solutions Co. for years and they never disappoint. Their team is always friendly and willing to help with any issues that arise. They are prompt, efficient, and knowledgeable. I would recommend them to anyone in need of computer solutions.”

“I cannot say enough good things about Winner Computer Solutions Co. They have been an invaluable asset to my business. Their team is always responsive and proactive, making sure that our computers and network are running smoothly. They truly care about their clients and it shows in their work.”

“Winner Computer Solutions Co. is the best in the business! Their team is always on top of the latest technology and trends, ensuring that my business stays ahead of the curve. They have helped us streamline our operations and improve our productivity. I cannot recommend them enough!”

“Winner Computer Solutions Co. has been a lifesaver for our company. Their expertise and professionalism are unmatched. They have helped us with everything from hardware and software installation to network security and data backup. We are grateful for their outstanding service and would recommend them to anyone.”

“Winner Computer Solutions Co. is an outstanding company. Their team is professional, reliable, and knowledgeable. They have helped us with everything from software updates to server maintenance. Their customer service is top notch and we would recommend them to anyone looking for computer solutions.”

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Sitio Aratiles, San Francisco Lubao Pampanga, 2005


M-F: 9am – 5pm
S-S: Closed

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